No Contract, No Peace: A Legal Guide to Contract Campaigns, Strikes, and Lockouts



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Conducting an effective contract campaign or strike is like crossing a minefield.   Congress, the courts, and the NLRB have created a multitude of requirements, violations of which can lead to discharges, replacement, lawsuits, or even decertification.  As in his other best-selling union handbooks, veteran labor lawyer Robert M. Schwartz explains the rules of industrial warfare clearly and without legal jargon, providing strategic and tactical advice as well as practical tips.  No Contract, No Peace answers questions such as:

  • What risks do we take by working without a contract?
  • What notices must be provided before calling a strike?
  • How can we make our walkout an unfair labor practice strike?
  • How can we foil an employer plan to hire permanent replacements?
  • What language can we use on the picket lines?
  • Can we organize boycotts of secondary employers?