How To Win Past Grievances



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This book unlocks the mysterious subject of past practice.  One of the most powerful principles in labor relations, past practice is also one of the most difficult to master.  Happily, labor attorney Robert M. Schwartz explains the subject in a straightforward ans practical manner for union representatives, officers and active rank-and-filers.


Among the questions discussed:

  • What are the five tests of a bona fide past practice?
  • Does the past practice doctrine prevent an employer from increasing workloads
  • If the union tolerated violations of a contract provision in the past can a new union leadership insist that the contract be enforced as written?
  • Can an employer terminate a past practice because of unanticipated expenses?

Applicable in both private and public sector, How to Win Past Practice Grievances is a cutting edge tool in the tradition of Mr. Schwartz’ best sellers:  The Legal Rights of Union Stewards and The FMLA Handbook.